Cybersecurity in the Power Grid – A 360° View | Part 1
Bridging the gap between information technology and operational technology.
Welcome to our new Energy Talks miniseries, called Cybersecurity in the Power Grid in which we provide you with a 360-degree view of how power grids can best safeguard their infrastructures from cyber attacks.
In Part 1 of this miniseries, OMICRON cybersecurity expert Benjamin Teudeloff talks about the increasing necessity for power providers to improve their cybersecurity practices. He gives insight into the evolving global landscape, the unique challenges faced by electrical utilities, and the importance of bridging the gap between Information Technology (IT) and Operational Technology (OT).
Lastly, Benjamin describes how OMICRON's comprehensive cybersecurity products and services are empowering power providers to safeguard their infrastructure in an ever-changing threat landscape.
Stay tuned for upcoming episodes in our Cybersecurity in the Power Grid miniseries.
Learn more about cybersecurity in the power grid:
Cybersecurity for Protection and Control Engineers
“I highly recommend that OT and IT colleagues deal more with the topic of cybersecurity and actively exchange with one another to have a common understanding of security issues and requirements.”
- Benjamin Teudeloff, Cybersecurity Expert, OMICRON