OMICRON Academy Online
Webinar (Aufzeichnung)
COMPANO 100, Primary Test Manager (PTM), CPC Produktfamilie

Ground Testing with CPC 100, COMPANO 100, HGT1 and CP CU1

OMICRON Academy Online
Webinar (Aufzeichnung)
COMPANO 100, Primary Test Manager (PTM), CPC Produktfamilie


Get an overview of the term ground testing and the tests you can perform with the equipment. Learn about different approaches to inject test current. Get to know devices and accessories for different testing scenarios. Enjoy a demonstration of software modules for ground impedance and step & touch voltage measurements to provide an overview of the most relevant steps of a field measurement.


  • Overview of the term ground testing: Ground Impedance, Step & Touch Voltage, Soil Resistivity, Ground Grid Integrity, Reduction Factor
  • Overview of ground testing devices from OMICRON’s portfolio
  • Potentials in the event of a ground fault in a substation
  • Current probe versus power line injection and their most relevant aspects
  • International Standards for Ground Testing (Procedures and Assessment)


  • Installation of a current probe with correct probe spacing
  • Local and global grounding systems and inherent limits of testing possibilities
  • Setting up, executing and assessing a ground impedance and step & touch voltage measurement with PTM
  • Ground Impedance documentation and reporting


1:26 h


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*For the recorded webinar, we are using “Cisco Webex Events”. This is a Cisco Webex Meetings solution made available by Cisco Systems Inc. (San Jose, California, USA) to conduct our training sessions. For that purpose, your data submitted in the registration process needs to be forwarded to Cisco.


Primary Field-Testing Staff


Knowledge of electrical engineering


  • Primary Test Manager (PTM) 
  • The CPC 100
  • The COMPANO 100
  • The HGT1
  • The CP CU1 and CP GB1

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Mit unseren Kursen gewinnen Sie Fachwissen über Betriebsmittel und Anwendungen in elektrischen Energiesystemen. 


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