IEC 61850 fundamentals, application and testing in digital substations
Get a thorough introduction to the IEC 61850 standard in a combination of theoretical and hands-on sessions. Get familiar with the IEC 61850 implementation in IEDs from different manufacturers. Learn how to efficiently test IEC 61850 substations with the CMC test system, IEDScout, DANEO and StationScout.
- Get to know IEC 61850 based communication systems and learn how to test in this environment
- Utilize the client/server, GOOSE and sampled values services for power utility automation
- Get to know the System Configuration Language and the engineering process around it
- Perform commissioning and functional testing of IEC 61850 based IEDs and systems
- Basics of IEC 61850
- Data models and services
- Specific communication mappings
- Client/Server communication for SCADA applications
- GOOSE analysis and applications
- Sampled Values on the digital process bus
- Configuration and engineering based on the SCL
- Basic aspects of communication networks
- Analyze IEC 61850 based communication systems
- Hands-on testing of IEC 61850 IEDs and systems in the environment of a fully digital substation
Day 1: 08:30 – 17:00 h
Day 2: 08:30 – 17:00 h
Day 3: 08:30 – 17:00 h
Training Location:
Blichfeld Power & Measurements A/S
Birkemosevej 11D,
6000 Kolding
Price per person: 20.900, - ex VAT, incl. lunch
Register directly: 25-27 June - Training IEC 61850 Basics, Application and Testing - BLICHFELD POWER & MEASUREMENTS A/S
Deadline for registration; 21 May 2024
IEDScout, StationScout
GOOSE Configuration Module, Sampled Values Configuration Module, IEC 61850 Client/Server
ISIO 200, DANEO 400
CMC test sets with Ethernet adapter

„Es ist wirklich erstaunlich und ziemlich einfach für mich das Thema durch die Beispiele des Trainers zu verstehen.“