12. Dezember 2025
Australien (Melbourne)
Primary Test Manager (PTM), CPC Produktfamilie

Online Course: Instrument transformer diagnostics with CPC 100

12. Dezember 2025
Australien (Melbourne)
Primary Test Manager (PTM), CPC Produktfamilie


Get to know the wide scope of applications and operation of the CPC 100. Learn how to efficiently test CTs and VTs through live demonstrations and theoretical sessions using Primary Test Manager (PTM). Learn how to work with CTs and VTs to gain experience with this application.


  • Perform commissioning, troubleshooting and periodic tests of CTs and VTs
  • Create asset specific test plan including wiring diagram
  • Automatic assessment according to industry standards
  • Comprehensive reporting, including templates for all standard and advanced tests


  • Measure the CT and VT ratio or ratio error as functional test of the ITs' performance as part of commissioning tests
  • Evaluate the excitation current and the CT’s knee-point to define its error and performance
  • Understand the background of the winding resistance measurement to find possible electrical damages in windings or contact problems
  • Perform burden measurements to determine the influence of cables and connections on the overall burden impedance
  • Check the polarity between the primary and secondary windings of an IT to prevent maloperation of connected protection and metering devices
  • Efficiently perform all relevant commissioning test using Primary Test Manager (PTM)
  • Automatically generate test reports with Primary Test Manager (PTM)


1 day


You will receive a personal email with all course information such as detailed agenda, and all neccessary access data shortly before the online training course.


Technical staff involved in transformer testing in utilities, transmission, distribution and generation networks, railway grids, service companies and manufacturers.


Knowledge of electrical engineering


CPC 100, CP SB2, CPOL2
Primary Test Manager (PTM)

AUD 330
pro Person, exkl. USt.
Zur Anmeldung

„Ich bin ein praktischer Mensch, deshalb ist es für mich sehr effektiv das selbst zu tun, die Prüfgeräte in Funktion zu sehen und die Ergebnisse zu analysieren, es ist toll!“


Mit unseren Kursen gewinnen Sie Fachwissen über Betriebsmittel und Anwendungen in elektrischen Energiesystemen. 


Profitieren Sie von einer effizienten Mischung aus live Vorführung des Equipments, verständlich aufbereiteten theoretischen Inhalten und praktischen Messungen.

Effiziente Trainingsmethoden

Unser erfahrener Trainer geht während des Trainings auf Ihre Fragen ein. Alle Teilnehmer erhalten die Möglichkeit ihre Fragen innerhalb der Gruppe oder mit dem Trainer zu diskutieren.

Vertiefende Diskussionen
1 Alternative Kurstermine
14. Mai 2025
Australien (Melbourne)
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