Power transformer diagnostics with the CPC family

12. - 13. August 2025
Australien (Melbourne)
Primary Test Manager (PTM), CPC Produktfamilie, CPC Produktfamilie


After an introduction to the maintenance of transformers, you will expand your knowledge of transformer diagnostics and applications in theory and practice. You will get familiar with the CPC 100 and CP SB1 functions for turns ratio, winding resistance and using the CP TD1 for capacitance or power/dissipation factor measurements. Practical measurements will enable you to gain immediate testing experience.


  • Get a comprehensive overview of the structure of the transformer insulation, the bushings and the tap-changer
  • Analyze the condition of power transformers to fully exploit the lifetime of your asset
  • Carry out time-optimized tests and diagnostics in the substation, power station or workshop
  • Perform fast, simple and safe condition assessment of your power transformer


  • Negative influences on the expected lifetime of a transformer
  • Overview of frequent defects in transformer components and their fault patterns
  • Construction of the transformer insulation, the bushings and the tap-changer
  • Common conventional measurement methods such as turns ratio, winding resistance, short-circuit impedance and demagnetization of the transformer
  • Theoretical background to capacity and dissipation/power factor measurements of winding and bushing insulation
  • Automatic execution of three-phase measurements using the Primary Test Manager (PTM) software
  • Evaluation of the measurement results by means of practical examples
  • Assessment of diagnostic measurements and recognize possible defects and influences
  • Analyzing case studies of most common defects on various power transformers


2 days


You will receive a personal email with all course information shortly before the training course.


CPC 100, CP SB1, CP TD1
Primary Test Manager (PTM)

AUD 990
pro Person, exkl. USt.
Zur Anmeldung

„Es ist wirklich erstaunlich und ziemlich einfach für mich das Thema durch die Beispiele des Trainers zu verstehen.“


Profitieren Sie von einer effizienten Mischung aus live Vorführung des Equipments, verständlich aufbereiteten theoretischen Inhalten und praktischen Messungen.

Effiziente Trainingsmethoden

Unser erfahrener Trainer geht während des Trainings auf Ihre Fragen ein. Alle Teilnehmer erhalten die Möglichkeit ihre Fragen innerhalb der Gruppe oder mit dem Trainer zu diskutieren.

Vertiefende Diskussionen

Sie erhalten  umfassende Trainingsunterlagen, um später darin nachschlagen zu können. 

Professionelle Unterlagen
2 Alternative Kurstermine
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Australien (Melbourne)
03. - 04. November 2025
Australien (Perth)
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