ADMO with InSight

What's New in Version 6.20/3.20

With software version 6.20/3.20, we have improved ADMO with InSight in several ways.

ADMO 6.20
•    Comprehensive filter options for almost all tables in ADMO
•    Improved filter and selection options for ADMO Box
•    Data export to StationGuard
•    Network connection tracing

InSight 3.20
•    New widget “Setting parameters”
•    More data evaluation capabilities
•    Installer for InSight

ADMO 6.20

ADMO 6.20 offers new features to improve data exchange, security, reliability, flexibility, and productivity.


Now you can see what changes have been made in ADMO Box before the results are imported into ADMO. This gives you an overview and allows you to perform a quick plausibility check.

With the introduction of password encryption, you have an important protection mechanism at your disposal. This helps you to ensure that your data is secure and can only be accessed by authorized individuals.

Together, these new features help you streamline your data exchange processes and give you more control over the information you provide.

InSight 3.20

InSight offers new features to improve the installation process, data evaluation, and visualization of configuration values.




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