Sales Partner OMICRON offices
Our locations in Czech Republic
GFTC s.r.o.
Contact: Pavel Andrle
Smetanovo náměstí 60
570 01 Litomyšl
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 792 527 140
Contact usContact: Pavel Andrle
Smetanovo náměstí 60
570 01 Litomyšl
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 792 527 140
OMICRON electronics GmbH
EURO PLAZA Am Euro Platz 2 Building G
1120 Vienna
Phone: +43 59495
Phone2: +43 59495 5010 (Sales)
Contact usEURO PLAZA Am Euro Platz 2 Building G
1120 Vienna
Phone: +43 59495
Phone2: +43 59495 5010 (Sales)
OMICRON electronics GmbH
EURO PLAZA Am Euro Platz 2 Building G1120 Vienna
Phone: +43 59495
Phone2: +43 59495 5010 (Sales)
Contact us
To ensure that you receive the highest quality products and enjoy full customer support, please acquire our products exclusively through our authorized sales channels as portrayed on this site. Please note that products acquired through non-authorized sales channels may impact the authenticity of the product. It may further lead to limitations in customer support and warranty coverage. If you ever need assistance finding an authorized sales channel near you or have questions about a sales channel, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer support team.
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