Take Protection Testing to the Next Level
Advanced protection testing saves time, reduces costs and optimizes performance in power systems.
In these times of aging assets and new technologies being implemented into evolving power systems, the demand for protection testing is increasing substantially while protection testing professionals are becoming increasingly scarce.
This is a challenge for the whole energy sector, as a reliable and continuous power supply needs to be ensured. Therefore, protection relays, which are a key component of power grids, need to be installed properly and maintained on a regular basis.
Conventional protection testing methods cannot keep up with the growing demand, as they are very time consuming, but advanced protection testing approaches can greatly improve this situation.
In this episode, OMICRON advanced protection testing advocate Till Welfonder discusses how companies in the energy sector can take protection testing to the next level to save not only time and costs, but also optimize the safety, quality and reliability of their protection systems.
Learn more about advanced protection testing here:
Advanced protection testing
“Advanced protection testing generates substantial long-term benefits at all levels.”
- Till Welfonder, Advanced Protection Testing Advocate, OMICRON