Even More Versatile: COMPANO 100 Enables Grounding System Testing

March 1, 2019

For OMICRON, product maintenance means more than just correcting errors in hardware and software. In addition, we strive to simplify operations and continually expand the range of functions.

Since its market launch in 2017, we have systematically furthered the development of COMPANO 100, thus broadening its scope of applications. The latest 2.10 software release provides testers with new possibilities for testing small and medium-sized grounding systems (according to EN 50522 and IEEE Std. 81).

The grounding measurements with COMPANO 100 follow a graphically guided workflow with clear instructions. The results are laid out clearly and calculated directly by the tester - making testing grounding systems easier than ever before.

COMPANO 100 offers four specific modules for testing grounding systems:

  • Ground impedance
  • Specific earth resistance
  • High current continuity test (up to 100 A)
  • Step and touch voltage

Find out what else COMPANO 100 offers.

COMPANO 100 product page

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