End-to-End testing using the closed-loop-iteration approach of RelaySimTest

How to Evaluate the Performance of Your Line Protection System?

April 12, 2018

The power utility EPCOR Utilities Inc. located in Edmonton, Alberta is upgrading the line protection on its 72 kV transmission network. Therefore, it used the System Based Testing approach for end-to-end testing, based on software which will simulate all relevant portions of the network for testing.

This paper discusses all aspects of this system based testing, from planning and execution to resolution of issues. An overview of the progression of this type of testing within the company is performed, showing the improvements with each evolution. The results are analyzed, and compared with other methods of testing.  

More Information
System Based Testing of a 72 kV Line Protection Scheme at EPCOR (1 MB)
RelaySimTest, CMC, test set, System Based Testing, Line Protection Scheme, end-to-end testing, Relay performance, transient behavior, Current transformer performance, Static State Sequence Simulation, Dynamic Simulation, permissive overreaching transfer trip, POTT, line impedance, source impedance, arc resistance, pre-fault and post-fault load flow, fault location and fault type, simulation of CT saturation, Closed Loop, Netsim, Line Impedance, Measurement, Iterative Closed-Loop, Line Differential, Distance Functions, Closed Loop Testing, Protection Under-Reaching, Protection Residual Compensation,Distance Zone Calculation
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