New Convenience and Security Features in StationGuard 1.10

November 23, 2020

We are continually working to enhance and implement new features in StationGuard, our monitoring solution for detecting cyber threats and communication problems in substations. As a StationGuard customer, you will receive all current improvements twice a year as part of the StationGuard Subscription.

StationGuard Dashboard is one of these new features in the latest release 1.10. It provides you with an overview of the security status of all your substations equipped with StationGuard. Thus, you can see at a glance which substations or devices require action.

Furthermore, you can now assign permissions not only to individual devices but also to predefined roles, such as all engineering PCs. This can further reduce future false alarms and maintenance efforts.

Several other optimizations were implemented based on your feedback. We are, therefore, always pleased to receive your opinions as this is the only way to ensure that we can continue to adapt StationGuard to meet your needs in the future!

Download the latest version 1.10 right now.

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