OMICRON Academy 4.0

March 29, 2021

Future-proof training methodology

For more than 25 years, the OMICRON Academy has been offering courses for energy suppliers, industrial enterprises, service providers, and manufacturers. During this period, we have gained a wealth of experience with regard to teaching methodology, planning training courses, teaching materials, and training equipment. This experience has led us to develop a new training concept that perfectly supports our course participants' learning success.

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Listen to our podcast

In this episode, we speak with Oliver Janke, Training Manager at OMICRON Academy. He discusses how OMICRON Academy has been developing webinars and online training courses on power system testing topics to make them just as interactive as traditional classroom trainings, and even more accessible to participants around the world.

(Length: 25:12)


Energy Talks is a regular podcast series with expert discussions on power system testing topics. Be sure to visit our podcast page to listen to other topics and be sure to subscribe to Energy Talks to never miss an episode.

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