Partial Discharge - Testing, monitoring...or both?
The periodic testing and continuous monitoring of partial discharge, also known as PD, are becoming increasingly important to both manufacturers and operators of electrical equipment.
This is because PD testing and monitoring play a critical role in assessing insulation condition, focusing maintenance efforts and preventing pre-mature equipment failure.
There are various methods of PD testing and monitoring, but when is each method ideally used to detect potential failure-causing insulation defects? What are their differences and how do they complement each other?
Listen to our podcast
In the first episode of our new Energy Talks podcast series, we will answer these questions and offer you insights as well as practical tips with the help of our expert guests – Patrick Zander, one of our experienced specialists in PD testing and monitoring and Samuel Scheller, our product manager for PD monitoring solutions.
(Length: 20:55)
Energy Talks is a regular podcast series with expert discussions on power system testing topics. Stay tuned for upcoming episodes.
Learn more about PD testing and monitoring
We have several years of experience in PD testing and monitoring and offer you the matching solution for your application. Visit our partial discharge knowledge area to learn more.