TWX1 - CMC Accessory for Testing Traveling Wave Protection Relays

March 13, 2020

CMC accessory for testing traveling wave protection relays

With its high precision the CMC accessory TWX1 allows testing all the protection and fault localization functions of travelling wave protection relays. The simple execution of tests can be compared to that of conventional relays.

User-friendly and highly precise

With the TWX1, OMICRON is offering a user-friendly field-testing solution for traveling-wave-based relays. Separate calculations, setting or wiring changes are not required during testing.

Full support of the TWX1 by the RelaySimTest software enables testing to be prepared and performed efficiently. Test procedures are started with a single click, and all protection elements are tested simultaneously. Using test modes is unnecessary.

The TWX1 superimposes voltage and current traveling waves onto the transient signal provided by the CMC test set with nanosecond accuracy, making it possible to test all the relay functions precisely.

Simple end-to-end tests

Combining TWX1, CMC and RelaySimTest with CMGPS 588 also enables end-to-end tests to be controlled from one location, avoiding the need to coordinate every single test step via phone.

The TWX1 requires a CMC with a NET-2 interface board.

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