Impedance element evaluations using single-shot definitions in the Z-plane
Distance provides the functionality to define and perform tests of distance relays by impedance element evaluations using single-shot definitions in the Z-plane with graphical characteristic display.
Definition of relay characteristics
The nominal relay characteristics and settings can quickly and easily be defined by a graphical characteristic editor. Starting, trip, extended, and no-trip zones are defined by using pre-defined elements. A complete overview of all defined zones is provided. The standard XRIO interface makes it possible to directly import the relay data from the relay’s parameter setting software (if supported by the relay manufacturer). The impedance settings for the zones can be entered and displayed in primary or secondary values.
Definition of tests
Tests are defined in the impedance plane by entering the test points to a test point table. This table is divided according to the different fault loops (A-N, B-N, C-N, A-B, etc.). Test points can be defined for several fault loops at the same time (e.g. for all single-phase loops), or for every fault loop separately.
Solutions for:
Advanced Distance Module Part I
Advanced Distance Module Part II
Advanced Distance Module Part III
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