Transformer Diagnostic Bulletin

The mission of the Transformer Diagnostic Bulletin is to provide a collection of unbiased technical documents (i.e. guides, PowerPoints, and papers), all relating to transformer testing. The Bulletin is always available to both customers and non-customers.

Keep in mind that the latest Bulletin includes all the material shared in the most recent and past Bulletins.

Join our mailing list to stay up-to-date when new information is released. As this content is focused on applications within Canada and the US, we ask only North American customers to join the newsletter. We welcome anyone to view the page.


Feature Article

NETA Article: Best Practices for Ratio Verification of Power Transformer CTs

Current transformers (CTs) are essential for reliable and safe operation of electrical power networks. They function as the link between the primary system, which includes the assets directly involved in the energy flow, and the secondary system, consisting of the protection, control, and metering devices.




Past Material

Courses Available

Learn more by attending one of our OMICRON Academy courses, in-person or virtually. 

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