OMICRON Academy Online
Webinario (grabado)

A Tour Through IFE's Cyber Security Center and OT Incident Response Lifecycle by IFE and OMICRON

OMICRON Academy Online
Webinario (grabado)


In this joint webinar, a speaker from IFE and OMICRON provides insights into the CybWin Project and the core deliverables for Critical Infrastructure from Legacy to Digital Twin. The speakers will also explore the incident response measures that organizations should consider in anticipation of possible attacks.


  • Understand the target of the CybWin project for Critical Infrastructure
  • Learn the capabilities of the CybWin Digital Station System
  • Learn why you need an incident response plan
  • Identify how to handle an incident and the different incident response processes
  • Understand Incident Response Life Cycle


Per-Arne Jørgensen, Head of SOC, IFE Halden

  • Overview of the CybWin project, Target, Capabilities, and “In-Depth principal” design
  • Identify CybWin software components and digital station enclave
  • Pentest with CybWin: First results and outlook

Amro Mohamed, Regional Cybersecurity Sales Specialist, OMICRON

  • The need for Incident Response Plan
  • Overview of Incident Response Plan, team structure, and services
  • Incident Response Process and Life Cycle


1 h


Please use your official Email ID to register for this recorded webinar*.

*For the recorded webinar, we are using “Cisco Webex Events”. This is a Cisco Webex Meetings solution made available by Cisco Systems Inc. (San Jose, California, USA) to conduct our training sessions. For that purpose, your data submitted in the registration process needs to be forwarded to Cisco.


OT and IT security officers in utilities 

Conocimiento previo

Basic knowledge about OT security


StationGuard: intrusion detection tailor-made for the power grid

„Como persona práctica, estos cursos me resultan muy beneficiosos, ya que puedo ver directamente los equipos de prueba operando y analizando los resultados. ¡Es genial!“

Comentario del estudiante

Se beneficiará de una eficiente mezcla de presentaciones activas, de un arreglo de contenido teórico y mediciones prácticas sobre.

Métodos de capacitación eficientes

Nuestro experimentado instructor incorporará sus preguntas en el programa. Cada participante tendrá la posibilidad de discutir cualquier cuestión que le pueda surgir con otros miembros del grupo y con el instructor.

Discusiones detalladas

Recibirá manuales completos para su posterior consulta.

Material de capacitación profesional
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