Recloser control testing with ARCO 400

22 de octubre de 2025
Estados Unidos (Houston)
ARCO 400


Learn how to test all kinds of recloser and sectionalizer controls quickly and reliably with ARCO 400. Get familiar with the software guided workflow of ARCO Control and learn how to prepare test plans for standardized testing. Work with different recloser controls to gain immediate testing experience.


  • Becoming familiar with the theory of reclosers and their application in the distribution system
  • Performing easy and efficient tests of all kinds of recloser and sectionalizer controls
  • Practicing three-phase testing of recloser controls with ARCO Control
  • Learning about voltage based distribution system restoration and how to test it
  • Preparing reusable test plans with ReCoPlan for standardized and time-saving tests


  • Theoretical background of reclosers and sectionalizers, their protective functions and automated distribution restoration schemes
  • Getting to know the easy test setup of ARCO 400 and its smart controller adapters
  • Performing simple manual trip and close checks just with the ARCO hardware
  • ARCO Control overview
  • Performing wiring checks
  • Determining pick-up values of overcurrent curves
  • Testing the reclosing sequence of recloser controls under various conditions
  • Testing overcurrent operating characteristics
  • Getting to know the testing principles of voltage based restoration schemes
  • Testing harmonic inrush restraint and blocking functions
  • Creating test plans with ReCoPlan and executing them with ARCO Control
  • Lots of hands-on practice with recloser controllers from different manufacturers


1 day


8 am - 5 pm

You will receive a tentative confirmation within a couple days of registering.  

Do NOT purchase any flights until you receive the FINAL confirmation confirming that we will still be hosting the in-person class.


This class is eligible for PDH and NETA Credits.

We will also be holding a virtual version of this class in February, May and September.  Please see the training page for more information.


Technical staff from electric utilities, service companies and manufacturers involved in recloser maintenance, installation and testing

Conocimiento previo

Basic knowledge about distribution systems and protective devices


ARCO 400
Different controller adapters
ARCO Control

USD 795
por persona, impuestos no incluidos

„Como persona práctica, estos cursos me resultan muy beneficiosos, ya que puedo ver directamente los equipos de prueba operando y analizando los resultados. ¡Es genial!“

Comentario del estudiante

A través de nuestros cursos, se familiarizará con activos y aplicaciones en sistemas de energía eléctrica.

Conocimiento de la aplicación

Nuestro experimentado instructor incorporará sus preguntas en el programa. Cada participante tendrá la posibilidad de discutir cualquier cuestión que le pueda surgir con otros miembros del grupo y con el instructor.

Discusiones detalladas

Recibirá manuales completos para su posterior consulta.

Material de capacitación profesional
Está utilizando una versión de navegador desactualizada.
Por favor, actualice su navegador o utilice otro para ver correctamente esta página.