indoor, germany, generation, application, 2019, Baumueller, helmet, blue, yellow, male, indoor, germany, generation, application, 2019, Baumueller, helmet, blue, yellow, male

15 - 16 de diciembre de 2025
Australia (Melbourne)
Serie MPD

Online-Course: Fundamentals and applications of partial discharge diagnostics with the MPD series

15 - 16 de diciembre de 2025
Australia (Melbourne)
Serie MPD


Become familiar with the basic principles of partial discharge measurements using the MPD system. Learn to set-up and measure according to IEC 60270 in online practical sessions on special training equipment. Get a systematic introduction to the interpretation of test results.


  • Measure partial discharges on high voltage devices with the MPD according to IEC 60270
  • Monitor the quality of the production process by performing measurements on assembled parts (quality assurance)
  • Perform measurements to determine the insulation condition and identify fault types and fault location


  • Getting to know the MPD system
  • Understanding how partial discharges are measured
  • Connecting the MPD to high voltage devices, such as power transformers, generators, motors, cables
  • Getting to know the MPD software for efficient measurements
  • Performing partial discharge tests according to IEC 60270 
  • Performing partial discharge measurements in online practical sessions
  • Getting to know PRPD, Q(V), trend analysis
  • Interpreting partial discharge test results
  • Handling interferences

This course takes place entirely online. From your desk, you participate in sessions with our trainer. Innovative tools and methods allow you to actively participate and interact with both the trainer and the course participants. Subsequently, practical parts (with remote access to our PD simulator and HV lab) enable you to apply the knowledge you have learned during the theoretical sessions.


  • Introduction round
  • PD theory sessions: 
    > What are partial discharges (PD)
    > Methods of measuring PD 
    > How to analyse the results?
  •  Practical part with our PD simulator and in our HV lab (working in smaller groups): 
    > Learn how the MPD system (HW and SW) is working
    > Learn how to connect the measuring equipment according to current standards
    > Learn about different PD defects
  • Lunch break
  • PD theory sessions: 
    > Noise suppression
    > PD and noise separation 
    > Interpretation and assessment
  •  Practical part with our PD simulator and in our HV lab (working in smaller groups): 
    > Learn how to perform noise suppression, how to separate different overlapping PD sources, how to assess PD measurements
    > Question and answer session and discussion

(You will receive the detailed agenda in time before the start of the course)

Your Tools:

  • Computer/Laptop with Internet access
  • Headset
  • Webcam
  • Cisco Webex access (provided by OMICRON)


2 days


You will receive a personal email with all course information such as detailed agenda, and all neccessary access data shortly before the online training course.


Technical staff from electric utilities, railway and service companies as well as manufacturers to be involved in partial discharge testing

Conocimiento previo

Knowledge of electrical engineering


MPD 600, MPD 800 and their accessories

AUD 660
por persona, impuestos no incluidos
Seats available

„Todos los temas fueron muy interesantes y muy bien presentados por el instructor.“

Comentario del estudiante

A través de nuestros cursos, se familiarizará con activos y aplicaciones en sistemas de energía eléctrica.

Conocimiento de la aplicación

Nuestro experimentado instructor incorporará sus preguntas en el programa. Cada participante tendrá la posibilidad de discutir cualquier cuestión que le pueda surgir con otros miembros del grupo y con el instructor.

Discusiones detalladas

Recibirá manuales completos para su posterior consulta.

Material de capacitación profesional
Seats available
1 Fechas alternativas de formación
19 - 21 de mayo de 2025
China (Hong Kong)
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