OMICRON Academy Online
Webinario (grabado)
TESTRANO 600, Primary Test Manager (PTM)

Time-optimized power transformer diagnostics with TESTRANO 600 Part 1

OMICRON Academy Online
Webinario (grabado)
TESTRANO 600, Primary Test Manager (PTM)


You will expand your knowledge of transformer diagnostics and applications in theory and practice. In this webinar you will get familiar with the TESTRANO 600 functions for DC winding resistance, Dynamic OLTC measurements and Demagnetization.


  • You understand how the various diagnostic measurement methods work and in which situations and why they should be used
  • You can analyze the results as part of the condition assessment of power transformers to fully exploit the lifetime of your asset
  • You get familiar with time-optimized tests and diagnostics in the substation, power station or workshop


Part 1: Time-optimized power transformer diagnostics with TESTRANO 600

  • Common safety measures to prepare power transformers before maintenance and testing
  • DC winding resistance with TESTRANO 600
  • Dynamic OLTC measurement with TESTRANO 600
  • Demagnetization of the transformer core after DC measurements with TESTRANO 600
  • Evaluation and assessment of the discussed measurement results using practical examples and case studies


1:35 h


Please use your official Email ID to register for this recorded webinar*.

*For the recorded webinar, we are using “Cisco Webex Events”. This is a Cisco Webex Meetings solution made available by Cisco Systems Inc. (San Jose, California, USA) to conduct our training sessions. For that purpose, your data submitted in the registration process needs to be forwarded to Cisco.


Technical staff involved in transformer testing in utilities, transmission, distribution and generation networks, railway grids, service companies and manufacturers.

Conocimiento previo

Knowledge of electrical engineering


Primary Test Manager (PTM)

„Lo que más me impresiona es la flexibilidad del instructor para responder a todas las preguntas con el método que más se adecúa a cada persona.“

Comentario del estudiante

Se beneficiará de una eficiente mezcla de presentaciones activas, de un arreglo de contenido teórico y mediciones prácticas sobre.

Métodos de capacitación eficientes

Nuestro experimentado instructor incorporará sus preguntas en el programa. Cada participante tendrá la posibilidad de discutir cualquier cuestión que le pueda surgir con otros miembros del grupo y con el instructor.

Discusiones detalladas

Recibirá manuales completos para su posterior consulta.

Material de capacitación profesional
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