OMICRON Diagnostic Forum - A Tradition of Sharing Knowledge

The upcoming OMICRON Diagnostic Forum features a complete program of diagnostic topics and is open to everyone around the world

The next OMICRON Diagnostic Forum takes place on March 24-25, 2021. This event is scheduled every 2 years, and has become an OMICRON tradition of sharing knowledge, experiences and practical best cases with industry peers about diagnostic testing on a wide variety of power system equipment.

In this episode, event organizers Verena Rein and Tobias Schmutzhard describe how this year’s OMICRON Diagnostic Forum will be presented completely online and features an interactive format with a comprehensive program of diagnostic topics as well as video demonstrations to choose from. There is also a social event in which participants can share ideas and experiences with each other online.

The OMICRON Diagnostic Forum is free of charge and open to anyone interested in the latest trends and developments in power system diagnostics.

Get more information and register for this year’s event on the event page at or contact the event organizers by email at

If you would like to attend this event with presentations in the German language, please get more information and register at

“This is an exciting interactive event for anyone interested in power system diagnostics.”

- Verena Rein, Regional Marketing Manager

“Sharing knowledge in power system diagnostics is part of OMICRON’s DNA.”

- Tobias Schmutzhard, Process Manager – Application Engineering and Technical Support

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