Helpful Tips for Medium-Voltage Circuit Breaker Testing

Learn about the best practices for off-line and in-service testing on MV circuit breakers

In the event of a power system malfunction, circuit breakers must be able to disconnect the fault current as quickly and reliably as possible, thereby protecting all subsequent equipment.

Circuit breaker testing is performed to check and verify both the performance of individual switching mechanisms and the timing of the overall tripping system. This ensures the safe and reliable performance of this key link in the power system asset chain.

In this episode, Florian Fink, OMICRON product manager and circuit breaker testing enthusiast, talks about the importance of medium-voltage circuit breaker testing. He describes, for example, how medium-voltage circuit breaker testing differs from high-voltage circuit breaker testing, what are the typical tests and how often should they be performed.

Florian also reflects on his many years of circuit breaker testing experience and gives insights into what should be considered during off-line as well as in-service testing on medium-voltage circuit breakers.

More information about circuit breaker testing is available on the following page:

Air Insulated Switchgear Testing


“Periodic quick checks help you detect developing problems early.”

- Florian Fink, Product Manager and Circuit Breaker Testing Enthusiast



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