Automated Testing of Intelligent Secondary Distribution Substations

Enhance the safety and efficiency of ISDS component testing in expanding power grids.

In this episode, Florian Fink, OMICRON expert for the testing of industrial and distribution grid applications, discusses the role of intelligent secondary distribution substations (ISDS) in rapidly expanding power grids. He also explains how ISDS components can support operations and facilitate the planning of future grid expansions with high reliability and efficiency.

In response to the increasing number of future power system installations, Florian describes a new automated close-looped testing approach that has been developed to speed up and enhance the safety and quality of ISDS component testing.

He also discusses how this new automated testing method ensures more efficient maintenance and reliable asset operation in expanding power grids.

“With a close-looped approach, we can perform standardized testing in less than a half an hour.”

- Florian Fink, Testing Expert, Industrial and Distribution Grids, OMICRON

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