OMICRON Academy Online
Webinaire (enregistré)
Primary Test Manager (PTM), Famille de produit CPC

Offline Testing on Rotating Machines using the CPC 100

OMICRON Academy Online
Webinaire (enregistré)
Primary Test Manager (PTM), Famille de produit CPC


You will expand your knowledge of rotating machines diagnostics in theory and practice. In this webinar you will get familiar with the different off-line tests you can perform with the CPC 100 and its accessories.


  • You understand how the various diagnostic measurement methods work and in which situations and why they should be used
  • You can analyze the results as part of the condition assessment of rotating machines to fully exploit the lifetime of your asset
  • You get to know how to use the PTM software for generator testing and reporting


  • Introduction of CPC 100 & PTM 
  • Capacitance and dissipation/power factor measurement
  • DC Resistance measurements
  • Pole Impedance measurement
  • Stator Core measurement


47 min


Please use your official Email ID to register for this recorded webinar*.

*For the recorded webinar, we are using “Cisco Webex Events”. This is a Cisco Webex Meetings solution made available by Cisco Systems Inc. (San Jose, California, USA) to conduct our training sessions. For that purpose, your data submitted in the registration process needs to be forwarded to Cisco.


Technical staff involved in motor/generator diagnostics, service and maintenance at utilities, service companies, generator manufacturers and repair workshops.


Basic Knowledge of generator testing.


CPC 100
CP TD12/TD15, CP CR 600
Primary Test Manager (PTM)


„Contenu des cours excellent, superbement présenté dans un bel environnement. Félicitations !“

Commentaire de participant

Nos formations vous permettront de vous familiariser avec les équipements et les applications des réseaux électriques. 

Savoir-faire applicatif

Profitez d’un mélange efficace de présentations des équipements, de connaissances théoriques et de tests pratiques.

Méthodes de formation efficaces

Vos applications particulières sont discutées pendant la formation. Les participants pourront poser les questions propres à leurs 


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