OMICRON Academy Webinaires enregistrés
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Webinaires enregistrés
Test de protections
Introduction to System-Based Testing with RelaySimTest |
Quick and easy tests in Power Systems with COMPANO 100 |
Protection Testing with Test Universe – Distance Protection testing and working with the Protection Testing Library |
Advantages of using Test Universe for Protection Testing - Introduction Webinar |
Recloser Control Testing with ARCO 400 |
Protection Testing with Test Universe - Differential protection testing |
Introduction to Traveling Wave Protection with RelaySimTest and TWX1 |
Overcoming Challenges in Transformer Protection Testing with System-Based Testing |
Tests CEI 61850
Overview of the OMICRON IEC 61850 Testing Solutions |
Introduction to IEC 61850 |
IEC 61850 Data Model |
IEC 61850 Services |
Protection Testing in Digital Substations |
How to Test Substation Automation Systems with StationScout |
Cyber Security in Substations – StationGuard Live in Action |
Cyber Security in Substations – Attack Vectors on Substations and their Countermeasures |
Cyber Security in Substations - Important Basics for Protection and SCADA Engineers |
Utility Cybersecurity: Recommended Practices by OMICRON and DNV |
Joint Webinar by OMICRON and Applied Risk: OT Risk Assessment in the Power Grid Domain |
A Tour Through IFE's Cyber Security Center and OT Incident Response Lifecycle by IFE and OMICRON |
Diagnostics des transformateurs de puissance
Time-optimized Power Transformer Diagnostics with TESTRANO 600 Part 1 |
Time-optimized Power Transformer Diagnostics with TESTRANO 600 Part 2 |
Time-optimized Power Transformer Diagnostics with TESTRANO 600 Part 3 |
Time-optimized Power Transformer Diagnostics with TESTRANO 600 Part 4 |
Test des réducteurs de mesure
Instrument Transformer Testing with CPC 100 using Primary Test Manager (PTM) |
Time-optimized Current Transformer diagnostics with CT Analyzer |
Time-optimized Voltage Transformer Diagnostics with VOTANO 100 |
Mesure de décharges partielles
Partial Discharge Measurements – getting started |
Tests des organes de coupures / disjoncteurs
Time-optimized Circuit Breaker Diagnostics with CIBANO 500 - Part 1: Air-insulated circuit breaker using CIBANO 500 and Primary Test Manager™ (PTM) |
Time-optimized Circuit Breaker Diagnostics with CIBANO 500 - Part 2: GIS breaker testing using CIBANO 500 and Primary Test Manager™ (PTM) |
Time-optimized Circuit Breaker Diagnostics with CIBANO 500 - Part 3: MV breaker testing using CIBANO 500 and Primary Test Manager™ (PTM) |
Time-optimized Circuit Breaker Diagnostics with CIBANO 500 - Part 4: MV GIS breaker testing using CIBANO 500 and Primary Test Manager™ (PTM) |