Monitoring Partial Discharge – On a Permanent Basis
Discover how continuous online trending of PD activity helps ensure electrical asset reliability.
In this 50th episode of Energy Talks, OMICRON Partial Discharge (PD) Testing & Monitoring Experts Bogdan Gorgan and Patrick Zander discuss when it makes sense to monitor PD on a permanent basis in electrical equipment. They explain how asset managers have achieved more peace of mind after having implemented permanent PD monitoring for continuous trending of insulation condition in both aging and new equipment.
Bogdan and Patrick remind us that PD is one of the best indicators of whether the electrical insulation is in good or bad condition, and they explain that when PD activity increases or changes at a noticeable rate over time, it is most likely an indication that the electrical insulation is deteriorating and at risk of eventual failure.
They also explain how trended overviews of PD monitoring data enable asset managers to identify and prevent potential failures and thereby ensure the remaining performance reliability of their electrical equipment.
Get more information about OMICRON’s continuous online partial discharge monitoring solutions here:
Online Partial Discharge Monitoring
Also of interest:
Be sure to also listen to our Energy Talks podcast Episode 38 in which our PD monitoring experts Bogdan Gorgan and Patrick Zander talk about the importance of performing temporary online PD monitoring between diagnostic PD measurements to observe detected PD activity under real operational conditions
“A permanent PD monitoring system provides asset managers with a very good indication of whether PD activity is increasing over time – this means that something is wrong with the equipment which needs to be acted upon ahead of time to prevent failure.”
- Bogdan Gorgan, Partial Discharge Testing & Monitoring Expert, OMICRON
“A PD monitoring system trends PD activity 24/7 – it shows you whether it is stable or increasing, and alarm notifications are sent when tolerance thresholds are exceeded.”
- Patrick Zander, Partial Discharge Testing & Monitoring Expert, OMICRON