Cybersecurity in the Power Grid – A 360° View | Part 5
Security engineering – building trust in digital products used in the power grid
Welcome to the 5th episode of our Energy Talks miniseries, called Cybersecurity in the Power Grid, in which we provide you with a 360-degree view of how power grids can best safeguard their infrastructures from cyber-attacks.
In this episode, Andreas Klien, OMICRON cybersecurity expert and Business Area Manager of Power Utility Communication, discusses the security engineering of digital products used in the power grid with his guest, Sarah Fluchs, Chief Technology Officer at admeritia GmbH. Together, they debate the question, “Can power grid operators trust their manufacturers to ensure reliable cybersecurity?”
Andreas and Sarah conduct their discussion from the perspective of an OT security officer. They address the pending EU Cyber Resilience Act and how it can help better secure the power grid and other critical infrastructures by requiring manufacturers to build cybersecurity measures into their products and the significance of security certificates for digital products, especially OT devices.
They also discuss the growing use of a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) and how it can help manufacturers be more transparent and enable power grid operators to identify possible security issues in products.
Lastly, Andreas and Sarah discuss the importance of open, 2-way communication between power grid operators and manufacturers to achieve security goals.
Stay tuned for upcoming episodes in our Cybersecurity in the Power Grid miniseries.
Explore our BRAND NEW website and learn how you can protect your OT network from cyberattacks:
“As a power grid operator, you are always dependent on the components you operate and the security characteristics these have.”
- Andreas Klien, Business Area Manager Power Utility Communication OMICRON
“It is so important that power grid operators help manufacturers understand what they need to achieve their security goals. And manufacturers should share their intentions for ensuring product security with the operator.”
- Sarah Fluchs, Chief Technology Officer admeritia GmbH