How Efficient is Your Protection Testing Approach?
Learn from a protection engineer about the best way to perform testing on the latest technology.
In this episode, we examine the current efficiency of protection relay testing. Protection relays and protection test sets have changed significantly over the last decades.
Since relays have transitioned from electromechanical devices to digital ones, test sets have been developed to meet new demands. Nonetheless, they are often used in the same way as previously during pre-digital times.
But nowadays, digital relays offer many more settings and parameters. Testing them with old, especially manual, approaches is very inefficient. To compare the efficiency of different testing approaches, we must discuss what can and should be measured.
Michael Albert, an OMICRON expert in test automation, discusses the increasing importance of protection testing efficiency and how efficiency measures can be easily implemented, performed, and measured.
Michael was a also guest on Energy Talks episode Number 36 about protection testing accuracy and efficiency.
Learn more about our protection testing solutions:
“Today it is no longer possible to just give a protection test engineer the task to test and send them into the field. Careful preparation is needed nowadays. It must be clear what is to be tested and which parameters need testing. Due to limited resources, effectivity and efficiency are key.”
Michael Albert, Test Automation Expert, OMICRON