Partial Discharge Testing is a key technology to get insight into your assets' insulation condition. With our modular training program you will become familiar with both the principles of PD and their measurement techniques on different assets. Attend the course on fundamentals of PD testing and choose from four application-focused courses in order of importance based on your company priorities.
- Gain a bronze certificate by attending the "Fundamentals of PD Testing" course.
- Gain a silver certificate by attending the "Fundamentals of PD Testing" course and up to three PD application courses.
- Gain a goldcertificate by attending the "Fundamentals of PD Testing" course and all four PD application courses
Go for Gold with the OMICRON Academy:

Fundamentals of Partial Discharge Testing
C.0171.BBX (2.5 days)
This is the basic cornerstone of the five modules and is a compulsory element of any further training undertaken. To get you started with the topic, the content will include basic Partial Discharge theory and standard calibration and measurement techniques. You will be introduced to the interpretation of test results.

Partial Discharge Testing on Power Transformers
C.0172.BBX (2.5 days)
Concentrating on Power Transformers you will perform measurements to determine the insulation condition and identify fault types and fault location. Evaluation of the deterioration processes in power transformers will also be covered. You will then monitor the quality of the production process by performing measurements on assembled parts and apply partial discharge technology to design or redesign devices exposed to high voltages.

Partial Discharge Testing on HV Cables
C.0173.BBX (2.5 days)
Focusing on HV cables you will learn how to identify fault types and fault locations to assess the condition of your assets. Get to know advanced testing techniques in hands-on sessions on special training equipment.

Partial Discharge Testing on MV assets
C.0175.BBX (2.5 days)
You will perform measurements to determine the insulation condition and identify fault types and fault location. You will also evaluate the deterioration process in MV assets and monitor the quality of the production process via the measurement performed on assembled parts. You will then apply partial discharge technology to design or redesign devices exposed to medium voltage.

Partial Discharge Testing on Generators and Motors
C.0174.BBX (2.5 days)
You will learn the setup for conventional and unconventional measurements and also understand detection, measurement and documentation of partial discharge in primary assets. You will perform time-efficient measurements for comprehensive insulation diagnostics on different assets. Interpretation will be a key aspect of learning where you will learn how to study the measurement results and draw conclusions on the insulation for condition-based maintenance planning.