Protection Testing Online Series – Essential Tips for Daily Work
Refresh your protection testing knowledge and skills with OMICRON’s virtual technical training series.
In this episode, we discuss OMICRON’s upcoming 2023 Protection Testing Online Series with the organizers, Eugenio Carvalheira and Parisa Jalalipour.
Based on its popularity, this is OMICRON’s third annual Protection Testing Online series. It begins on February 16th and ends on April 20th. Registration for all sessions closes on February 15th.
Eugenio and Parisa discuss the importance of keeping protection testing knowledge and skills up to date, and how they developed the concept for the online training series to help attendees add value to their daily work.
This live virtual training series consists of five different technical sessions based on particular protection testing topics within two-hour time blocks.
Eugenio and Parisa describe what attendees can expect to receive from this year’s live virtual training series, including an expanded team of instructors who present essential knowledge about current practices, the latest solutions and trends, as well as practical tips for setup and performing measurements. There is even a live opportunity for attendees to ask questions and have them answered by the instructors at the end of each session.
Eugenio and Parisa emphasize that no matter whether attendees are protection testing beginners or more experienced in the field – this virtual training event offers valuable knowledge and best-practice tips to all who attend. All registered attendees receive a certificate of participation as well as the presentations and recordings from the technical sessions.
Get more information about OMICRON’s Protection Testing Online Series here:
Protection Testing Online Series
“We present content with practical examples so that attendees can build their knowledge about best practices to use in their daily work.”
- Eugenio Carvalheira, Series Organizer & Instructor, OMICRON
“We have added instructors with different areas of protection testing expertise as well as a live Q&A to each session.”
- Parisa Jalalipour, Series Organizer, OMICRON