In the Shoes of Field Engineers | Protection Testing
Best practices for protection testing during onsite commissioning from a field testing expert.
This is one of our Energy Talks episodes called "In the Shoes of Field Engineers", in which we offer you practical tips for testing electrical equipment onsite at power substations.
In this episode, OMICRON field testing expert Marcus Stenner offer his tips for protection testing during commissioning. He talks about the various tests and how long it takes him to perform them before protection systems are put into operation at substations.
Specifically, Marcus addresses the differences he encounters between protection systems in various regions of the world and how best to prepare for them before testing. He also highlights the advancements that have been made over the years to make protection testing more efficient.
Most importantly, Marcus describes the common mistakes that are made while performing protection testing during commissioning and how to avoid them in the field. Lastly, he offers his recommendations for making sure that protection testing is complete and runs smoothly during commissioning at substations.
Learn more about protection testing here:
Protection Relay Testing
Be sure to listen to previous episodes of the Energy Talks miniseries, “In the Shoes of Field Engineers”:
In the Shoes of Field Engineers | Testing Instrument Transformers | In the Shoes of Field Engineers | Onsite Power Transformer Commissioning
“During commissioning it is very important that we check that the whole system is working - not only the protection devices, but also the wiring of the CTs and VTs.
We also check that the protection relay trips the circuit breaker if there is a real fault during operation.”
- Marcus Stenner, Field Testing Expert, OMICRON