A Vast Network of Experts for Your Benefit
OMICRON Memberships
We are proud to be a member of
How do we choose our communities? Go to the bottom of this page and find out.
Allianz für Cyber-Sicherheit (ACS)
“You can only achieve security in community!” - Prof. Dr. Michael Meier, Professor of IT Security (Universität Bonn) and Head of Department Cyber Security (Fraunhofer FKIE).
Already in 2017, the Alliance for Cyber Security's market survey discovered that just under 70% of companies and other institutions in Germany have fallen victim to cyber attacks in the preceding two years. In about half of these cases, the attackers were successful, with these attacks resulting in production or operational downtime. Recent surveys verify that these numbers have only risen – and they are going to increase for the foreseeable future.
The Alliance for Cyber Security, founded in 2012, provides companies, associations, authorities and organizations with a cooperative platform for exchanging information on current threat situations and practical cybersecurity measures. Members benefit from the know-how as well as the numerous committed partners and can thus significantly improve the protection of their own IT infrastructure. Currently, 5.682 companies and institutions belong to the initiative.
As a member of the Alliance for Cyber Security, we contribute to and benefit from:
- the trustful exchange of experience with other companies and institutions on topics, such as attack vectors, suitable protective measures, tips on security management, incident handling etc.,
- the expertise of the BSI and the partners of the Alliance for Cyber Security, as well as
- exclusive offers to expand our cybersecurity expertise.
Do you want to find out more about ACS projects and efforts? You can find further information about their activities on the ACS website (German).
EE-ISAC (European Energy Information Sharing & Analysis Centre)
“Finding strength in numbers across the continent.” – Community value
The EE-ISAC is a non-profit, industry-driven, information sharing network of trust. Private utilities, solution providers and (semi) public institutions, such as academia, governmental, and non-profit organizations share valuable information on cybersecurity & cyber resilience.
We are heavily involved in the following task forces of the EE-ISAC:
- The improvement of resilience and security of the European energy infrastructure.
Members are sharing trust-based information and are, thus, enabling a joint effort for the analysis of threats, vulnerabilities, incidents, solutions, and opportunities. These joint communities facilitate proactive information sharing and analysis, allowing its members to take their own effective measures. - Detection analysis and subsequent incident handling of malware attacks.
EE-ISAC uses the Malware Information Sharing Platform (MISP) to focus on sharing information that is related to specific issues in quasi-real-time, enforcing the need for proactivity. MISP identifies individual threats artifacts and recognizes perilous activities. - Establishment of a threat modeling standard
The plan is that this jointly developed threat modeling standard will be disseminated among members as the guidelines and best practices of threat intelligence and incident management. This includes the cooperation with other ISAC members and expert communities in the definition of common practices, a taxonomy and general awareness raising.
You want to learn more about EE-ISACs members, activities, and task forces? You can find further information on the EE-ISAC website.
In line with our core values
“We share knowledge.”
This mission statement is one of the eight core values of our company. It is a key success factor that we share our knowledge with our colleagues and with you. At the same time, it is also essential to share all kinds of knowledge with expert communities outside of our own company. Only through regular exchanges with different communities and a shared base of information among experts are we able to provide our customary high quality.
The sum of many different perspectives and insights
empowers us.
As a result, we continually offer new and innovative products and services. Our customers and the community benefit from the best solutions to global changes and rapidly evolving cyber threats.
You reached the end of this page, but you might be interested in our following sites:
Experience our innovative intrusion detection system StationGuard.
Explore our resilient IT solutions for protection and control engineers.
Extend your cybersecurity protection with our solutions for OT/ICS security for the power grid.