UNITED IN POWER QUALITY FRANEO PQlyzer – Our new instrument transformer solution for power quality applications One of the secrets of a happy marriage is sharing common interests and complementing each other in meaningful ways. The FRANEO 800 main device and the EIC1 accessory, combined with the new FRANEO PQlyzer Instrument Transformers’ software, is a partnership that does just that. This new combination is the perfect match for wideband accuracy instrument transformer measurements for power quality applications. So, now it’s time for us to celebrate this pair in style with “something old, something new, something borrowed, and something blue”! A true partnership In a world rapidly approaching renewable energy generation, precise power quality measurements are key. Instrument transformers (ITs) play a vital role in the power quality measurement chain. The wideband ratio and phase accuracy of these ITs need to be evaluated across their entire frequency range. That’s where the solid partnership our new FRANEO PQlyzer offers truly shines. The FRANEO 800 is well-known, or “something old”. It’s the industry standard for ensuring power transformer windings’ mechanical and electrical integrity. Its sweep frequency response analysis (SFRA) is a testament to its reliability and a cornerstone of transformer diagnostics. On the other hand, the Electronic Impedance Converter EIC1 and the FRANEO PQlyzer software are “something new”, that bring wideband ratio measurements for instrument transformers to the table. It extends the capabilities of instrument transformer testing with dedicated software that streamlines workflows. Comprehensive reporting capabilities for detailed test reports solidifies the partnership between the old and the new. Together, these two products form a union that’s much more than a marriage of convenience. It’s a bond that promises a future with guaranteed precision and reliability. Sharing is caring Our shared knowledge, is “something borrowed”. It’s the foundation of our partnerships. We bring decades of expertise to the table, ensuring that the solutions we provide are effective «By ensuring the accuracy of your power quality data, provided by the instrument transformers, you can make informed decisions for optimizing grid performance, maximizing asset life, and enhancing overall power system reliability.» 12