OMICRON Academy Online
Webinaire (enregistré)
Les connaissances techniques, StationGuard

Live-Hack of a Substation

OMICRON Academy Online
Webinaire (enregistré)
Les connaissances techniques, StationGuard


In this webinar recording, we demonstrate in a fictional scenario how attackers can reach into the network in a substation via the Internet, place malware on an RTU, and then switch circuit breakers. We also present security measures which could have prevented this fictional attack.

A detailed course of action for this hack will be presented and the security gaps will be revealed. In addition, we will showcase potential security measures by means of our Intrusion Detection System (IDS) StationGuard.

After this webinar recording, you will know about the possible dangers of cyber attacks on your substation and you will have learned why an IDS can increase the security of your substations.


  • In this webinar recording, we will demonstrate a simulated cyber attack on a fictional substation inspired by the 2016 Ukraine hacking incident.
  • A detailed course of action for this hack will be presented and the security gaps will be revealed. In addition, we will showcase potential security measures by means of our Intrusion Detection System (IDS) StationGuard.
  • After this webinar recording, you will know about the possible dangers of cyber attacks on your substation and you will have learned why an IDS can increase the security of your substations.


  • How can an attack on your substation take place? (live demonstration)
  • What are the attack vectors and potential security vulnerabilities in your system?
  • How can you protect your substation with StationGuard?


22 min


Please use your official Email ID to register for this recorded webinar*.

*For the recorded webinar, we are using “Cisco Webex Events”. This is a Cisco Webex Meetings solution made available by Cisco Systems Inc. (San Jose, California, USA) to conduct our training sessions. For that purpose, your data submitted in the registration process needs to be forwarded to Cisco.


Protection and SCADA engineers and security officers in utilities


Basic knowledge about protection and SCADA systems


Cybersecurity and functional monitoring for substations


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