Monitoring Partial Discharge – On a Temporary Basis
Keep an eye on partial discharge activity between diagnostic measurements.
In this episode, we expand our earlier discussions about partial discharge (PD) testing and monitoring. Specifically, we talk about the advantages of using temporary online monitoring to trend PD activity and track developing insulation defects between diagnostic measurements.
Joining us for this discussion are OMICRON partial discharge experts Bogdan Gorgan and Patrick Zander. Both have been prior guest experts in Energy Talks episodes about PD testing and monitoring.
Bogdan and Patrick describe the differences between temporary monitoring and diagnostic testing and when temporary monitoring makes sense to keep an eye on PD activity and developing insulation defects. Most importantly, they discuss the advantage of observing PD activity when electrical equipment is in operation. They also explain how PD monitoring and PD diagnosis complement each other to help users completely assess the insulation condition of their electrical assets and make condition-based maintenance decisions.
Lastly, Bogdan and Patrick highlight the OMICRON solutions used for PD testing and temporary PD monitoring and describe the different assessment tools they offer the user.
Learn more about the differences between PD testing and monitoring:
“Temporary monitoring trends PD activity and tracks developing defects in relation to different operating parameters. However, it does not offer the user many of the tools needed for detailed diagnosis.”
- Bogdan Gorgan, PD testing and monitoring expert
“Depending on your maintenance strategy, I would recommend investing in both PD monitoring AND diagnostics for complete assessments.”
- Patrick Zander, PD testing and monitoring expert