Online-Course: Time-optimized circuit breaker diagnostics with CIBANO 500

10 de abril de 2025
China (Hong Kong)
CIBANO 500, Primary Test Manager (PTM), Familia de productos CPC


Get to know the CIBANO 500 and the measurement principles for circuit breakers. Learn how to perform efficient circuit breaker tests in hands-on and theoretical sessions. Simplify your tests with the PTM (Primary Test Manager).


  • Perform commissioning, troubleshooting and periodic tests of different types of circuit breakers
  • Perform all relevant circuit breakers tests with one single test setup by using optional accessories
  • Straight forward assessment of circuit breakers parameters with reference results
  • Fast and easy generation of test reports with CTA Suite and VOTANO Suite


  • Typical reasons for failure of circuit breakers 
  • Reasons for maintenance and testing of different MV and HV circuit breakers
  • Overview about different types of MV and HV (live-tank, dead-tank and GIS) breakers and its components
  • Comparison of conventional vs. time-efficient circuit breaker testing with CIBANO 500
  • Typical tests on MV and HV circuit breakers such as static contact and dynamic resistance measurement (DRM), timing tests for main/auxiliary contacts and pre-insertion resistors, minimum pick-up tests, coil and motor current, contact travel (motion) of main contacts
  • Safely perform timing tests on Gas Insulated Switchgears (GIS) with both-sides grounded using Current Sensor Measurement (CSM) method
  • Automatic test execution of comprehensive circuit breaker tests with CIBANO 500 and Primary Test Manager (PTM)
  • Evaluation of the measurement results by means of practical examples
  • Analyzing case studies of most common defects on various circuit breakers


1 day


Time: 09:30 - 12:00 / 13:30 - 16:00 (GMT+8, Hong Kong Time)


This online training course is hosted by our Training Center Hong Kong S.A.R.
Please check your time zone before registering!

Please feel free to contact us by email for any enquiry.

*For this class, we will be using a Cisco Webex solution made available by Cisco Systems Inc. (San Jose, California, USA) to conduct our training sessions. For that purpose, your data submitted in the registration process needs to be forwarded to Cisco.


CB MC2, CB TN3 and accessories
Primary Test Manager (PTM)

EUR 250
por persona, impuestos no incluidos

„Como persona práctica, estos cursos me resultan muy beneficiosos, ya que puedo ver directamente los equipos de prueba operando y analizando los resultados. ¡Es genial!“

Comentario del estudiante

A través de nuestros cursos, se familiarizará con activos y aplicaciones en sistemas de energía eléctrica.

Conocimiento de la aplicación

Se beneficiará de una eficiente mezcla de presentaciones activas, de un arreglo de contenido teórico y mediciones prácticas sobre.

Métodos de capacitación eficientes

Nuestro experimentado instructor incorporará sus preguntas en el programa. Cada participante tendrá la posibilidad de discutir cualquier cuestión que le pueda surgir con otros miembros del grupo y con el instructor.

Discusiones detalladas
2 Fechas alternativas de formación
5 de diciembre de 2025
Australia (Melbourne)
15 de mayo de 2025
Australia (Melbourne)
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