The Importance of Working with Engineering Associations

Discover how OMICRON benefits from peer collaboration to meet customer needs in the power industry.

In this episode, OMICRON product managers Fred Steinhauser and Andreas Nenning discuss their active involvement in international engineering associations in the power industry.

Fred and Andreas give an overview of the various engineering associations, their functions, and their impact on the power industry. Most importantly, they describe how their direct involvement with these associations has enabled them to collaborate with industry peers to address trends and future end-user requirements.

Lastly, they explain how this collaboration has been an essential aspect of product development at OMICRON.


Engineering associations have a huge impact on our industry because whenever you approach a topic, your first question is, what have these organizations already put in place in this area

Fred Steinhauser, Product Manager, OMICRON


My active involvement in engineering associations helps me understand the pain points of people working in the power industry, such as what challenges keep them from doing their jobs”

Andreas Nenning, Product Manager, OMICRON

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