28. August 2025
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (Houston)
CIBANO 500, Primary Test Manager (PTM)
2in1 – Electrical Diagnostic Testing of Power Transformers & Circuit Breakers

Circuit breaker diagnostics with CIBANO 500

28. August 2025
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (Houston)
CIBANO 500, Primary Test Manager (PTM)
2in1 – Electrical Diagnostic Testing of Power Transformers & Circuit Breakers


Get to know the CIBANO 500 and the measurement principles for circuit breakers. Learn how to perform efficient circuit breaker tests in hands-on and theoretical sessions. Simplify your tests with the PTM (Primary Test Manager). 


  • Perform commissioning, troubleshooting and periodic tests of different types of circuit breakers
  • Carry out all relevant circuit breaker tests with one single test setup by using optional accessories
  • Perform straightforward assessment circuit breaker parameters with reference results


  • Typical reasons for failure of circuit breakers
  • Reasons for maintenance and testing of different MV and HV circuit breakers
  • Overview about different types of MV and HV (live-tank, dead-tank and GIS) breakers and its components
  • Comparison of conventional vs. time-efficient circuit breaker testing with CIBANO 500
  • Typical tests on MV and HV circuit breakers such as static contact and dynamic resistance measurement (DRM), timing tests for main/auxiliary contacts and pre-insertion resistors, minimum pick-up tests, coil and motor current, contact travel (motion) of main contacts
  • Safely perform timing tests on Gas Insulated Switchgears (GIS) with both-sides grounded using Current Sensor Measurement (CSM) method
  • Automatic test execution of comprehensive circuit breaker tests with CIBANO 500 and Primary Test Manager (PTM)
  • Evaluation of the measurement results by means of practical examples
  • Analyzing case studies of most common defects on various circuit breakers


1 day


8am - 5pm

You will receive a tentative confirmation within a couple days of registering.  

Do NOT purchase any flights until you receive the FINAL confirmation confirming that we will still be hosting the in-person class.



This class is eligible for PDH and NETA Credits.


Technical staff involved in circuit breaker testing in utilities, transmission, distribution and generation networks, railway grids, service companies and manufacturers.


Knowledge of electrical engineering


CB MC2, CB TN3 and accessories
Primary Test Manager (PTM)

*** Save money by registering for both the Transformer Diagnostics and Circuit Breaker Class at one time ***

USD 795
pro Person, exkl. USt.
Zur Anmeldung

„Es ist schön, dass die Trainer wirklich wissen wovon sie sprechen.“


Mit unseren Kursen gewinnen Sie Fachwissen über Betriebsmittel und Anwendungen in elektrischen Energiesystemen. 


Unser erfahrener Trainer geht während des Trainings auf Ihre Fragen ein. Alle Teilnehmer erhalten die Möglichkeit ihre Fragen innerhalb der Gruppe oder mit dem Trainer zu diskutieren.

Vertiefende Diskussionen

Sie erhalten  umfassende Trainingsunterlagen, um später darin nachschlagen zu können. 

Professionelle Unterlagen
1 Alternative Kurstermine
20. Februar 2025
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika (Houston)
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