OMICRON Academy Online
Webinar (Aufzeichnung)
StationGuard, StationScout

Cybersecurity in Substations – Attack Vectors on Substations and their Countermeasures

OMICRON Academy Online
Webinar (Aufzeichnung)
StationGuard, StationScout


Get a concise overview of cyber threats on substations and their countermeasures. Learn on which paths attackers could reach substation networks and how adversaries could use this to even influence protection and control devices. This webinar presents the attack vectors on substations and describes the different countermeasures to mitigate these threats.
With this knowledge you can actively contribute to reduce your substation’s exposure to potential cyberattacks.


  • Understanding the attack vectors of modern substations
  • Getting to know the main security threats when working in substations
  • Selecting the right countermeasures and preventive actions to take


  • Attack vectors of typical substations – how attackers can circumvent the firewall
  • Examples of previous attacks for the different vectors
  • Countermeasures for each attack vector
  • How to apply intrusion detection in substations


50 min


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*For the recorded webinar, we are using “Cisco Webex Events”. This is a Cisco Webex Meetings solution made available by Cisco Systems Inc. (San Jose, California, USA) to conduct our training sessions. For that purpose, your data submitted in the registration process needs to be forwarded to Cisco.


Protection, and SCADA engineers and security officers in utilities


Basic knowledge about protection and SCADA systems 


Intrusion Detection System StationGuard, cyber-secure IEC 61850 testing with StationScout

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