Ensuring the Accuracy of Current Transformers for Reliable Energy Metering
How to avoid errors that can result in inaccurate billing and revenue losses.
Current transformers (CTs) used for metering purposes in medium-voltage power systems must have a high accuracy from class 0.5 up to class 0.1 to ensure accurate billing. Therefore, it is essential to inspect and calibrate metering CTs at regular intervals.
Joining us in this episode to offer their insights into this topic are Roland Bürger, who is a Business Development Engineer at SENSELEQ, a provider of current measurement transducers, and Felix Feustel, who is an OMICRON product manager specialized in instrument transformer testing.
They discuss how current transformers are used in the metering process, why their accuracy is so important and how to avoid errors that can lead to inaccurate billing and revenue losses. In addition, they explain how and when instrument transformer testing plays an important role in assuring the accuracy of metering CTs and which measurement solutions are used.
More information about instrument transformer testing can be found on the following page:
Instrument Transformer Testing
“Current transformers must meet the accuracy classes defined in IEC 61869.”
- Roland Bürger, Business Development Engineer, SENSELEQ
“A CT’s performance accuracy can be easily evaluated on site.”
- Felix Feustel, Product Manager, Instrument Transformer Testing, OMICRON