Recloser Controls
With the ever-evolving features that can be implemented with recloser controls, the testing process is becoming increasingly complex. The reasons for this include the higher level of precision and flexibility of the new digital controllers, their increased integration into intelligent networks, as well as stricter regulations for guaranteeing the reliability of the power distribution system.
On the one hand, test engineers in the field need to be able to perform basic functional tests as quickly and easily as possible. On the other hand, more detailed and complex tests also require a high degree of automation and integrated expert knowledge.
Meanwhile, manufacturers of recloser controls today place great demands on the testing equipment used in their laboratory and production operations. The processes for testing modern, digital controllers have become highly sophisticated. The increasing integration of Smart Grid functions is making these tasks even more complex.
Our tailor-made testing systems cover all these requirements and have therefore become very popular among test personnel thanks to their portability, precision, versatility, and ease of use.
Expert recommends
ARCO 400 – Universal test set for recloser controls
ARCO 400 is a smart and rugged testing solution for all recloser controls. It provides the fastest way to perform simple manual trip and close checks. Using the OMICRON Smart Connect technology, ARCO 400 is capable of detecting recloser specific test adapters. The device simulates the recloser and enables three-phase testing of the controller in both lab and field environments. ARCO 400 is equipped with accurate 3-phase 12.5 A current amplifiers, 6-phase voltage amplifiers (8 V or 150 V range), six binary inputs, and nine binary outputs.
“After 18 months, we still believe we made the right decision in purchasing ARCO 400. It has enabled us to identify areas where we can improve upon our mission, surpassed our expectations for performance, and holds the potential to be used in the future for testing other devices such as voltage regulator controllers.”
-Christian Vermeulen P.E., Cherryland Electric Cooperative