Software for system-based protection testing
Next step protection testing
RelaySimTest is a software solution for system-based protection testing with OMICRON test equipment that takes a novel, future-oriented approach: the test is independent of relay type and relay manufacturer and the often very extensive parameter settings. Instead, it completely focuses on the correct behavior of the protection system. This is made possible by simulating realistic events in the power system.
Distributed Testing
RelaySimTest can easily and efficiently detect hidden errors in the settings, logic, and design of the protection system. This allows testers to validate its correct behavior faster and with higher test quality than by solely using conventional testing methods.
Key features
- Realistic signals are calculated by a transient power system simulation and directly injected via the test set
- Controlling multiple test sets by one application, even at different or remote locations
- Simply test protection and automation logic with the patented iterative closed loop simulation
- Testing the complete protection system in IEC 61850 substations
- System-based testing of protection systems, independent of relay type and manufacturer
Please fill in the form to download the latest version of RelaySimTest.
If you have an existing account for the OMICRON customer portal, you can download RelaySimTest directly via the Customer Portal
Please note: RelaySimTest can be installed for evaluation purposes and used offline without a CMC test set. Together with the software, sample test documents are installed, which can be viewed to get an impression on the possibilities with simulation-based protection testing. To run RelaySimTest with a test set, a license key is required. Please contact our technical support to get a timed license.
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Download the latest software version for RelaySimTest in our Customer Portal.
Solution for:
For a deeper look into your protection system
What's New in RelaySimTest 4.20
Testing a Distance Relay Teleprotection Scheme
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