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Optical scanning head for relay testing
To read out status indication LEDs of protection relays
LEDs indicate some status information relevant to testing a protection relay, but its binary outputs do not. With the help of the scanning head, such a signal can be converted into a binary signal and used in a test sequence, e.g., for assessment or a trigger condition. The scanning head comes in a set with the ASH1 scanning head adapter for connecting it to the test set’s binary input. For increased flexibility, more than one scanning head can be connected to the test set for reading the protection relay’s different LED indicators.
OSH 256R
The OSH 256R can be attached to smooth surfaces with a suction cup or a reusable adhesive rubber compound. Additionally, the adhesive rubber compound screens the sensor from ambient light.
The ASH1 adapter is used to connect an optical scanning head to the test set’s binary input. It provides the power supply for the scanning head and ensures the necessary insulation for safe operation.
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