OMICRON Academy Online
Webinar (Recorded)
RelaySimTest, CMC Family, CMC Family

Overcoming challenges in Transformer Protection Testing with System-Based Testing

OMICRON Academy Online
Webinar (Recorded)
RelaySimTest, CMC Family, CMC Family


Do you know, if your transformer differential protection is set correctly? Are you sure it reliably detects faults while maintaining stability during external faults and load scenarios? Do you struggle testing functions like inrush blocking based on current waveform analysis and adaptive differential characteristics? A system-based testing approach can help you to solve problems with the most complex functions of transformer differential protection systems. Participate in this webinar to learn how to use the system-based approach of RelaySimTest to improve the quality of your transformer differential protection tests.


  • Validate, if your protection system really protects your transformer
  • Testing complex differential protection functions like adaptive characteristics and inrush detection based on current waveform analysis
  • Testing restricted earth fault protection (ground fault differential protection) of transformers


  • Comparison between element testing and system-based testing
  • Introduction to transformer differential protection testing with RelaySimTest
  • Setting up tests with external and internal faults
  • Simulating current transformer saturation during transformer differential tests
  • Simulating realistic inrush currents to test any kind of inrush detection system
  • Testing the sensitivity of the restricted earth fault protection function


1:10 h


Please use your official Email ID to register for this recorded webinar*.

*For the recorded webinar, we are using “Cisco Webex Events”. This is a Cisco Webex Meetings solution made available by Cisco Systems Inc. (San Jose, California, USA) to conduct our training sessions. For that purpose, your data submitted in the registration process needs to be forwarded to Cisco.


Technical staff from electric utilities, service companies and manufacturers involved in protection testing


No previous course or knowledge of RelaySimTest is required. A basic understanding of transformer differential protection testing is a benefit to maximize your learning experience


RelaySimTest Software
CMC Family

„What really impresses me is the flexibility of the trainer to answer all the questions with the right method for each and every person.“

Student's feedback

Through our courses, you will gain thorough knowledge of assets and applications in electrical power systems.

Application knowledge

You will receive comprehensive manuals for later reference. 

Professional training material

Our experienced trainer takes your specific questions into account during the training. Every participant has the possibility to discuss questions with the group members and the trainer.

In-depth discussions
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