OMICRON Academy Online
Webinar (Recorded)
ARCO 400

Recloser Control Testing with ARCO 400

OMICRON Academy Online
Webinar (Recorded)
ARCO 400


Become acquainted with the basics of recloser controller testing using the ARCO 400 in conjunction with the ARCO Control for executing tests, and the ReCoPlan software for creating customized test plans and templates


  • Learn the background information about the components that make a recloser system
  • Discover the different reasons why you should be testing your recloser controllers
  • Experience the latest technology developed for recloser controller testing


  • Review of recloser concepts
  • Explore the differences between recloser controller and relay testing
  • Received a guided walk through of how ARCO 400 makes testing recloser controllers easier
  • Guided walkthrough of key functions of the ARCO Control software
  • Gain knowledge of how to create your own test plan/template using ReCoPlan


55 min


Please use your official Email ID to register for this recorded webinar*.

*For the recorded webinar, we are using “Cisco Webex Events”. This is a Cisco Webex Meetings solution made available by Cisco Systems Inc. (San Jose, California, USA) to conduct our training sessions. For that purpose, your data submitted in the registration process needs to be forwarded to Cisco.


Technical personnel from utilities and service providers responsible for recloser control testing


Basic knowledge of protection elements and recloser testing


ARCO 400
ARCO Control

„All topics were very interesting and very well presented by the instructor.“

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Through our courses, you will gain thorough knowledge of assets and applications in electrical power systems.

Application knowledge

Benefit from an efficient mix of live presentations of the device, logically arranged theory content and practical measurements.

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You will receive comprehensive manuals for later reference. 

Professional training material
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