SAA2 Warning Lamp
Scalable safety accessory to mark testing area
SAA2 Warning Lamp
The new SAA2 is a small, lightweight, and scalable safety accessory that helps you to mark your testing area and warn people that the prohibition zone around the test setup must not be entered. The system is cascadable up to 6 lamps.
Depending on the status of the test device the SAA2 shows either a green or red light. In addition to the red flash light, the SAA2 can also give an audible signal if a measurement is ongoing. It also offers an emergency button to stop the measurement immediately, if needed.

Mark your testing area
SAA2 can be used with CPC 100, TESTRANO 600, COMPANO 100, CIBANO 500 and VOTANO 100. Via the control unit, the SAA2 can be combined with other OMICRON safety accessories, such as the SAA1 beeper, TRC1 remote control, SAB1 safety box and the SAA3 – 3-position remote safety switch.
The warning lamp is equipped with magnetic holders and a hook. Thus, you can either attach it to any construction in the substation or place it on a tripod as a standalone version.

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