Simulation of IEDs and Substations

IEC 61850 substation automation systems (SAS) consist of multiple intelligent electronic devices (IEDs). They must be thoroughly planned and extensively tested during different phases of the SAS lifecycle. Our solutions offer a wide range of opportunities for extensive SAS simulation during all phases: When you design, specify, and engineer your system, you can check whole substation concepts by simulating its devices. During factory acceptance testing (FAT), simulation of missing IEDs and SCADA or remote terminal unit (RTU) clients makes real testing possible right from the beginning. Throughout site acceptance testing (SAT), simulating clients allows you to test real IEDs, even when no control center is available yet.

Expert recommends

StationScout + IEDScout

This powerful combination lets you simulate both single IEDs and the whole substation automation system (SAS). StationScout imitates missing equipment with Client/Server and GOOSE messages. This makes testing of the entire SAS possible. IEDScout allows you to precisely simulate IEDs and change data values based on their SCL file, including their server, reports, and GOOSE messages.

Benefits of this solution



StationScout | Testing your SAS through the whole lifecycle

Simulating IEC 61850 IEDs with IEDScout

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