Product Image Picture, cmc 256plus, cmc 356, cmgps 588, Product Image Picture, cmc 256plus, cmc 356, cmgps 588

Power Quality Analyzer Testing

Network agencies, network end customers and distributed network operators are driving the expansion of a seamless monitoring system for monitoring power quality in the grid. The trend towards renewable energies and electromobility, as well as the increased awareness of cost-intensive PQ problems, further increases the demand for power quality measurements.

Type and acceptance, and regular testing and calibration of power quality (PQ) analyzers pose new challenges for manufacturers, commissioners and equipment maintenance personnel.

For the testing of PQ analyzers, we offer test plans that guide the user through the testing process according to IEC 62586-2 / IEC 61000-4-30 Class A, which greatly simplifies the entire process of type or acceptance testing.

The flexible combination of CMC test set, operating software (including predefined test templates) and complementary accessories offers a tailor-made solution for power quality analyzer testing.


Our power quality analyzer testing solutions consist of:

CMC test set
Operating software

CMC test set

Most CMC test sets can be used for testing power quality analyzers. The CMC models differ in their accuracy, which means that not every power quality analyzer can be tested with every CMC. According to
IEC 61000-4-30 and IEC 62586-2 testing, the selection below will help you choose the CMC that suits your needs.

For testing power quality analyzers up to class S
CMC 500

For testing power quality analyzers up to class A (most accurate)
CMC 430

Operating software

Advanced and automated power quality analyzer testing
Test Universe is the first choice CMC operating option for parameter related testing of protection and measurement devices. It is ideal for performing automated PQ analyzer tests with advanced functionality (e.g. with harmonics).

The minimum requirements for PQ analyzer testing with Test Universe are:

  • Test Universe “Essential Package” plus the modules
    • “Power Quality Signal Generator”
    • “Advanced TransPlay”

In addition, the optionally available software Enerlyzer Live is the perfect tool for measuring, recording and analysing of test signals.

Test Universe (main software)
PQ Signal Generator (software module)
Advanced TransPlay (software module)
EnerLyzer Live (optional software)


Many PQ tests require a time synchronized test setup with time-triggered signal injection. This applies, for example, to tests on flicker, the accuracy of the internal device clock, measurement aggregation tests, or for easing the test assessment in general.

The GPS controlled CMGPS 588 time reference provides time synchronized trigger pulses or PPS signals.

Time synchronization is also easy to realize with CMIRIG-B, which enables the connection of devices by sending or receiving the IRIG-B protocol or PPS (Pulse Per Second) signals with CMC test sets.



Benefits of this solution


Testing meters & transducers

Testing of protection and measurement equipment

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